Key Pillars for Building a Successful Brand
Branding is an effective way for businesses to improve their reputation, maintain a sense of goodwill, and expand their reach. It gives your customers a reason to remember your business.
It is all about presenting a unified image of your company to your customers to assure them that they are dealing with a company or product that is credible, ethical, and memorable.
Branding activities let you develop a solid position among the target audience, helping you improve your sales. When done correctly, good branding campaigns can give your business a whole new meaning.
The experts at Identify Digital agree that the key pillars of successful branding are awareness, trust, engagement, customer relationships, innovation, and employee satisfaction. But these are the results of specific actions that brands need to perform over a certain period.
So, let's take a look at the actions you can take today to achieve these results.
A unique brand voice
To be honest, you need something that makes you unique while standing out in the noise and clutter of the web. Your brand voice can help you achieve that.
One way to describe brand voice is to combine your social media's consistency, how you communicate on your website, and even how you speak at conferences and events.
If your brand is not unique, you can't establish trust among your audience. And you will eventually fade into the background and lose your potential customers to other brands operating in your segment.
Remember that creating a unique brand voice means identifying who you really are. Do you know what your unique trait is or why people should care about you? If you answered no, then you need to start doing some soul-searching.
Distinguished value and values
A successful brand commands trust. It deals ethically, stands behind its products or services, and is emotionally compelling.
Branding isn't just about creating a logo, a tagline, or a color scheme for your company. It is much more complex than that. It starts with you as a person and applying the values you believe in every day to your business.
When you have your values in place, it helps you narrow down your value proposition - a blend of your vision, mission, and principles - to a single line.
For instance, Nike's short tagline of "Just do it" is an example of a distinguished value proposition. The implication behind the statement is that the product will help you succeed no matter what challenges you have set for yourself. And that's what you need to do for your brand.
A purpose bigger than making money
Successful entrepreneurs understand that they have a higher purpose than just making money - they want to make a difference. They have the passion, dedication, and desire to leave their mark on the world.
To build a successful brand, you have to develop a purpose that inspires you and makes you get out of bed every day. And it must align with your brand and motivate you to achieve your goals and change your industry.
Don't believe us? Read about any failed venture or VC that refused to fund a business because their sole objective was to get rich. If your brand's purpose isn't to solve a problem, the chance of it succeeding would be slim to none.
Consistent visibility
Your product is great. Your services are exemplary. Your team is top-notch. And you have a website that welcomes people and educates them about your offerings. But you are still not getting the sales you should be getting.
If that sounds like something you are struggling with, you need to focus on improving your brand visibility to generate more traffic and drive more customers.
People are fickle and easily distracted. They get bored easily and move on to search for the next best product to buy or the next best place to go. But if you can find a way to maintain a (positive) presence in front of them, you will never lose your prospective customers to the competition.
It doesn't matter if you are a solopreneur or a Fortune 500 company; building a successful brand is no easy feat. It requires you to be consistent across all of your marketing channels. And it takes years of hard work because marketing isn't an overnight success. That's why you need to build it on strong pillars that can't be shaken.